Books I Read in 1988

(5 Books/Month Average)
39 Novels (*’s)

*    1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
2. Bard’s Tale Instruction Manual
3. Bard’s Tale Clue Book
*    4. DL: Dragons of Winter Night
5. Truly Tasteless Jokes Three
6. Apple Family System Book
7. PFS File Instruction Manual
8. Typing Tutor II Instruction Book
9. The Applesoft Tutorial
* 10. DL: Dragons of Spring Dawning
11. Billy and the Boingers Bootleg
12. Talisman Rulebook
13. Calvin and Hobbes
* 14. 18 – No Time to Waste
* 15. R: The Devil’s Hand
16. Sqwurm: Page Rules
17. Robotech RPG
18. RDF Manual
19. Zentraedi
*    20. R: Genesis
*    21. R: Battle Cry
*    22. R: Homecoming
* 23. R: Battlehymn
* 24. R: Force of Arms
* 25. R: Doomsday
* 26. R: Dark Powers
* 27. The Pearl
* 28. R: Southern Cross
29. The Far Side
*    30. The Merchant of Venice
* 31. R: Metal Fire
* 32. R: The Final Nightmare
* 33. R: Invid Invasion
* 34. R: Metamorphosis
* 35. R: Symphony of Light
36. Wizardy! Players Guide
* 37. Pet Sematary
* 38. Firestarter
39. LW: Flight From the Dark
* 40. IT
* 41. The Eyes of the Dragon
42. CVCA Student Handbook
43. Illuminati Rulebook
* 44. Cujo
* 45. The Pilgrim’s Progress (Part 1)
* 46. ME: The Invaders Plan
* 47. Rage
* 48. The Long Walk
* 49. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
* 50. The Restaurant at the End of
the Universe
* 51. Life, the Universe and Every-
* 52. So Long, and Thanks for All
the Fish
* 53. Computer Crimes and Capers
* 54. The Earth Will Shake
55. Robotech Art 3
56. Robotech Art 2
* 57. Out of the Silent Planet
* 58. The Eye in the Pyramid
59. Space Quest II Manual
* 60. Weaveworld
* 61. The Inhuman Condition

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